Since Westies opened in 2015, we have annually given 10% of our brought forward cash to charity.
This year, the Finance Team decided to give £250 to Rosemere Cancer Foundation, a local cancer
centre situated in the heart of Preston. This £250 was also kindly match funded by school.
We were delighted to present a cheque of £500 to Yvonne Stott, Rosemere’s Community & Events
Fundraiser, and following this, two of our Westies members – Hannah Edge (Head of Finance &
Deputy Director) and Abbey Riley (Head of Marketing) – attended Rosemere’s Open Evening for
their 25th Anniversary ‘Guiding Light’ Appeal. It was the first Open Evening for over 3 years, and
gave Rosemere’s supporters the opportunity to hear and see first-hand the impact and benefits of
Surface Guided Radiotherapy (SGRT). It showcased the many benefits of this innovative
technology, allowing Hannah and Abbey to see first-hand the difference that it will make for
radiotherapy patients cared for at the centre. The centre currently treats around 3,800 patients per
year, with approximately 45,000 doses of radiotherapy treatment via 7 Linear Accelerator machines.
SGRT reduces the need for closed face masks, which many patients find claustrophobic. If a patient
moves at all, the radiation beam will instantly and automatically stop, reducing the risk of potential
damage to healthy cells and preventing sub-optimal dosage to the treatment area.
We were truly inspired by speeches from key staff at Rosemere, including from the Chairman of
Rosemere Cancer Foundation (Peter Mileham, OBE, DL) and the Radiotherapy Service Manager
for Lancashire Teaching Hospital Trust (Gillian Clarkson). We also had the opportunity to have a
tour of the Linear Accelerators for a live SGRT Demo.
Don’t forget to buy your Christmas baubles from Westies as part of our Centenary merchandise!
INSPIRED Sixth Former Hannah